Freitag, 29. April 2011

Lapidario Scaligero / Della Scala Inscriptions

Dear Friends
in my last visit in Verona I remarked, in the great court of Castelvecchio, the collection of inscriptions of the Lapidario Scaligero. The following images will provide you with information about said inscriptions. What I find sad is that inscriptions for perpetuating memorable events of the past of Verona are now difficult to be deciphered and understood.

Lapidario Scaligero

Presentation of the Lapidario Scaligero

Inscription celebrating the consacration of the Holy Cross Church in 1060 by the Bischop Teopoldo - 616

Inscription celebrating the edifications of the priest Ambrosio in 1443 (from Porcile di San Michele della Strà) - 644

Inscription celebrating the edification of the fortifications in Peschiera by Cangrande della Scala on 1327 (from Museo Maffeiano) - 729

Inscription celebrating a donation of master Daniele "penzarolo", 1392 (from S. Eufemia Church) - 747

Inscription in memory of the killing of the presumed Bartolomeo della Scala, end 16th - begin 17th century A.D. (from Museo Maffeiano) - 575


Donnerstag, 14. April 2011

Dry Deserts, Bright Stars and the European Observatories in Chile

Dear Friends
the lecture of yesterday evening: Dry Deserts, Bright Stars and the European Observatories in Chile by F. Comeron, ESO, sponsored among other also by our M.Polo Club, was well attended and successful. The lecture illustrated the present achievements of ESO (astronomical observations at La Silla and Paranal) and the ESO big effort involved in the completion of future projects (ALMA, APEX, E-ELT). I found of interest the reply of Mr. Comeron to the question: Which is the motivation for such a big ESO effort. Apparently there are at least two motivations. A prosaic one: the hightech industries of the ESO contracting states push the governements for the financing of said projects, and a scientific one: the study of the universe will provide us still with foundamental knowledge. The following images provide you with an impression of the atmosphere of the lecture.