Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011

Urban Archaeology

Dear Friends
I have to thank our Gianni for having signalled that the archeo excavations in Marienhof in Munich are in progress and provide
interesting surprises. The artifacts now exposed to the light are mainly caves of 18th - 19th century but has been discovered also a latrine of 14th century. More info about the excavations at:
The following images give you an idea of the the archeo excavations.


Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

Exhibition in Ljubljana - 3 - World War I on Foot

Dear Friends
the third exhibition World War I on Foot - through the lens of an unknown soldier, I visited at the Ljubljana Castle proposes visions of the
suffering pain and destructions during said war.

Exhibition in Ljubljana - 2 - Iva Tratnik in Marko Jatze

Dear Friends
the second exhibition I visited "War Dance at the bombarded Moon" at the the Casemate of the Ljubljana Castle presented the works of Iva Tratnik and Marko Jatze. The images I send you permit to appreciate the quality of the painting of these two artists which in my opinion are influenced or inspired by the metaphysic/surrealistic painting of G. De Chirico:

Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011

Exhibition in Ljubljana - 1 - Ziga Koritnik

Dear Friends
as you know, last week I was in Ljubljana (SLO) for presenting a paper at the 9th International Conference: Origins of Europeans. In the town, I visited the exhibition dedicated to the work of the photographer Ziga Koritnik who magistrally captured "moments of passions and close communication with music". The images, I think, permit to you to appreciate the fine sensitivity of Ziga in catching the soul of musicians.


Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011

Bunkerology in Munich

Dear Friends
living in Munich, it is often possible to meet relics of the II World War still at their place or emerging from the ground because of excavations in the town. Some days ago, my attention was attracted by an excavation near a Luftschutzbunker, resembling a Middle Age tower, in the area of the St. Jakob Place. The excavation, probably intended for allowing the maintenance of a big tube, has revealed the rests of an underground bunker of the War. In the past, in the same area, the excavations for the construction of the new Sinagogue of Munich, revealed the presence of another, giant underground bunker. These bunkers are documented in the following images.

Hildesheim report

Dear Friends
on 29/05/2011, Jean-Luc and me as announced made the M.Polo excursion to Hildesheim. Many aspects of the town has interested
us (decorated hauses, churches, orgeln - unfortunately no sun dial)
but impressive was the visit of the Römer and Pelizeus Museum ( preserving one of the best Egyptian collections of the world. The following images give you an idea of
the Egyptian artifacts of the Museum.

Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2011

Munich urban archaeology

Dear Friends
because of the construction of a new branch of the S-Bahn in Munich the
Marienhof near to the Marienplatz has been excavated and has provided some interesting archaeological surprises. In the images you can see the interior or the caves of houses probably of the Middle Age or later. In one of them rests of a possible metal artifact of unknown use.