Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013

Augustinermuseum Freiburg (DE) - 04 - Bhutan

Dear Friends
the Augustiner Museum hosts a hall devoted to the various aspects of the ethnology of Bhutan, probably the only one in the world, as Jean-Luc told me, in which the polyandry is not tolerated but allowed. Jean-Luc told me also that a visit to the Bhutan although interesting is rather expensive - about 300 Eur per day  only for having right to a tourist permission. Thus, I think that, in waiting for a direct visit to Bhutan, better than many words ( can tell you the following images.

Augustinermuseum Freiburg (DE) - 03 - Gargoyles

Dear Friends
after having viewed and documented the gargoyles in place on the external walls of the Münster of Freiburg, I don't expected so a rich gargoyles collection in the Augustiner Museum. The merit of the Museum is to allow the visitor to arrive very close to its gargoyles so as to appreciate their details, what the Münster does not allow. I think that, after the visit of the Münster and the Augustiner Museum, our knowledge about the M.Polo centre of interest represented by the gargoyles has greatly improved.

Augustinermuseum Freiburg (DE) - 02 - Religious Art

Dear Friends
the rich collection of religious and liturgical artefacts in the Augustiner Museum of Freiburg can be seen as an internal Diocesan Museum. As a friend of mine told me, in the past, th<at the mainly gold and precious stones artefacts should not be regarded as a sign of the richness and force of the Church, but rather an aspect of the faith of the believers. I let to you, in looking to the images, to decide which aspects is the most relevant.

Augustinermuseum Freiburg (DE) - 01 - Gotik

Dear Friends
the M.Polo excursion of last Sunday 15/12/2013 after the visit in Karlsrühe (DE) of the exhibition Imperium der Götter. Isis - Mithra - Christus and the Münster in Freiburg (DE) (see in this blog:  and continued with the visit of the exhibition Baustelle Gotik -Das Freiburger Münster at the Augustiner Museum in Freiburg
( The exhibition is mainly devoted to the architectural knowledge and the state of the architectural technology which permitted the construction of the Münster as you can see from the following images.
Any comment on the exhibition is welcomed.

Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013

Freiburg (DE) - Münster 04 - sundials

Dear Friends
the Münster of Freiburg (DE) shows on its external walls, although practically unnoticed, some interesting sundials. One is a little complicated in design but it is the most precise one, another is simple but presents a surprising spider web design, another else is superbly coupled with the statue of a person, probably not a saint, the last two, near the entrance, are of a very simple design. The sundials, as you know, is another centre of interst of our M.Polo Club and I will be grateful to you for your feedback.