Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2019

Merry Christmas & Happy 2020

Dear Friends
escaping the Christmas stereotypes represented by the Nativity scene, the Christmas Tree and Santa Claus, I think that the real  Christmas atmosphere inside ourselves can be better appreciated at the Marketplaces, like that I visited today morning somewhere in Brittany. No hustle and bustle, no thirst for shopping, but relaxed customers attentive to the various coloured, appealling proposals for the Christmas dinner and sellers proud of their offers (see the images).
I wish to you all Merry Christmas & Happy 2020.


Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2019

Back Home

Dear Friends
time to leave Korea and to take my long, direct fly back to Munich (see the images). Nothwithstanding two weeks, this, one of the best experiences in my life, has not last long. My pleasure was not only of having lived it, but also having communicated it to you. I hope not having bored you. 



Dear Friends
what the best, taking my leave from Korea, by a further meeting with the Korean Cuisine at the Cuisine Temple of the Fusion Restaurant in Seoul. A classic, well furnished one, rich of proposals reminding from afar japanese Ikebana compositions (see the images). I suggest you to test it by reserving a place, although in no way I have found its website.   Salutations


Dear Friends
great, superb, wonderful these are the words only words I find for trying to define the show offered to me by Kicks, not to be confused with Kicks. Notwithstanding I was in their Dojang late in the evening, perturbing their normal acrobatic training, they don't renounced to exhibit me the best of their Preparations, so I define their set of actions (see the images). Comment from your side are welcomed.