Samstag, 31. Januar 2015

Radioastronomy in Erding

Dear Friends
let me thank very much the Erding Sidewalk Astronomers (ESA):
and the Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e.V. - Ortsverband Erding C25: 
for their invitation of yesterday 30/01/2015 at the Gasthof-Hotel Mayr Wirth: for showing my activity in the field of Radioastronomy. I was delight in seeing the interest that my images and words provoked  in the audience also witnessed by many relevant scientific and technical questions. As I said, I hope that this meeting will not the last one but the start of a mutual profitable collaboration in Radioastronomy. We will see !? For the moment let me whish all the best to ESA and to C25 for its project SDR Receiver Charly 25. ... Is Oiss Klar ?



Freitag, 30. Januar 2015

Three Suns = Rainbow

Dear Friends
on our blog rainbows have been already dealt with pleasure several times and I proposed the following rainbow's classification:
so that I thank our Alexei for having sent me the SpiegelOnLine link:
of the three Suns misteriously appeared in Mongolia:
Me too in Sicily, I met the three Suns and according to the Spigel OnLine images and the following images from Sicily, I think that the three Suns can be ascribed to a special type of rainbow that now can be classified as Three Suns Rainbow. Comments on the Three Suns Rainbow are welcomed.
P.S.: thank you very much Alexei for your fed-back - now I know that three Suns rainbows are known as Sun Dogs: 

Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015

Presepi dal Mondo

Dear Friends
I was imbarassed with myself when I was in front to Presepi dal Mondo , in Verona, thinking to something of déjà vu many times. But, I am happy now to have decided to enter. This year a special attention is payed to the personnages attending the crip - see the images. Unarmed, honest and gentle personages certainly: sheperds, artisans and merchants, but honesty and gentleness constitute, as the Pope indicates, the better bulwark for peace against violence and moral and intellectual dictatures. I will be pleased to discuss with you this message from Presepi dal Mondo.

The ideal Town - Roberto Floreani

Dear Friends
with pleasure in Verona I visited:  La Città Ideale by Roberto Floreani: at the Gran Guardia Palace .
If we accept that La città Ideale conveys one of the themes developed by the artist, then let me say that the town represented, see the images, is an ideal polycentric environment where personalities and experiences can overlap, mix and develop for crossing limits imposed by the structures, so as to enrich themselves. I am also happy that Roberto Floreani is not only an artist but also a lower of martial arts, like me.