Samstag, 25. Juli 2015

Torcello in the Middle Ages

Dear Friends
after the scorching heat experienced in Milan at the EXPO, what a better experience of a holiday in the blue and fresh lagoon of Venice . My suggestion in arriving in Venice is to buy, just outside the S. Lucia station, a daily travelcard and let you bring by the boats where you want in the city ofr in the lagoon. In my case, I like to navigate to the islands in the lagoon and expecially to Torcello . My previous visits were not completely satisfactory because one or the other of the monuments were closed to the visitors. But this time all the monuments were open and this allows me a real jump into the early Middle Ages (see the images). Torcello and Venice absorbed the culture of the Bizantine Empire Empire  before to rival for the control of the lagoon. Unfortunately, annhilated by the silting, Torcello vanished except its main churches and archive.




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