Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015


Dear Friends
in looking for new specimens to submit to examination with MS-01, I found in a drawer a small piece of Moon, so small that it was sold to me in one edition of the Mineralientage  provided with a lens to allow its vision. Unfortunately, its documentation  is lost, but very probably it was part of a meteorite genarated on the moon by a meteorite impact. I propose you the following three visions (1) - (3) of the Moon piece obtained from by MS-01 through Helicon Focus 6 in each of the possible rendering modes: (1) gewichteter Mittelwert (weighted average), (2) Tiefenabbild (deep imaging) and (3) Pyramide (pyramid). The question that arise is what actually represent of an object the images from MS-01 ??




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