Sonntag, 24. Januar 2016


Dear Friends
I was very lucky to meet in Verona, all together, nothing less then Seurat, Van Gogh and Mondrian . Many themes dealt by a lot of experts, on which it would take too long to stay, connect and separate these unique artists. But, I think, this time, that it is easy to recognize a common thread that binds them together, i.e. the evolution of the Pointillism , variously indicated also as Pointillarism,  Divisionism, Chromoluminarism , Post-Impressionism , as painting technics. As can be recognised from the images, Georges Seurat expressed a pixelated basic version of the Pointillism, that van_Gogh developed enlarging the pixels and Mondrian surpassed going beyond the pixels. Any comment from your side is welcomed.




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