Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016

Two-Organ Sunday

Dear Friends
two organ concert day, last Sunday 16/10/2016. The invitation of one of us prompted me to delete all my committments and to prepare my Zoom h2n for the events. At the first one, in the afternoon, in the Renaissance / Baroque decoration of the Jesuits' St. Michaelkirche here in Munich professor Thierry Escaich surprised the public with a great essay of his musical and manual dexterity (see the images), at the second one, in the evening, in the unadorned but grandiose decoration of the Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus  in Neuried , near Munich, professor Karl Maureen  delighted the public with a rare, superb interpretation. Unfortunately, in both cases,  I can provide you only with the images of both the concerts.


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