Sonntag, 5. Mai 2019

Cesar Salad

Dear Friends
the M.Polo Cesar Salad as the receipts proposed in the past (see in this blog: Crab Claws  , Solen Marginatus , Sesam MayoAsparagus Omelette ,  Palm Lam , Octapus , Rustic Saussages , Pan BoulgogiLamb Tajine , Bigoli , Chef ) is tasty, easy and quickly to prepare.
Wash the salad you prefer in a quantity sufficient for the participants. Put the washed salad in bowls in a quantity sufficient for each participant. Season with Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil and salt according to your preference without mixing. Garnish with shepherd pepperoni mild or spicy, Garlic , pine nuts, Cherry Tomatoes and Grana Padano or Parmigiano Reggiano flakes.
Preparation time: about 20 min. Serve with sesam bread and white or red wine according to your preference.


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