Sonntag, 25. Juli 2021

Nice creatures

Dear Friends

sitting in full sun in the garden, reading in my July copy of Scientific_American an article about particle smashers, first a gentle, nice Libellula followed by an elegant Jersey Tiger Moth took their seats close to me on the on the surrounding bushes. Why ? Probably for enjoying  they too the full sun. Comments from your side are welcome.




UFOs on Landerneau

Dear Friends

it is not the first time I observed in the sky the apparitions of UFOs or OVNIs (see in this blog: ufo-or-ovnichinese-ufosmorocco-ufo). Still again in Landerneau during my holidays in this unfortunate, pandemic 2021, one day in July when I was comfortably seated on the terrace in front of a steaming cup of tea, two of them appeared. First flying slowly, then motionless for a good time before to instantly disappear. Fortunately, my Coolpix S9700 arrived to document the event. Moreover, its zoom images reveal the rose illuminate cabin, the service module and the engine module of one of them. Were they in reconnaissance mission ? Comments from your side are welcome.

