Dienstag, 29. August 2017

preparing Japan

Dear Friends
two days of stay in Munich, resting after the Oregon- / Eclipse journey 2017 by hard working at office. True! But, I have to admit that my tought was already far away, to Japan, next step of my holidays. At the Munich airport gate, I was gladdened by the materialization of my Emirates  Airbus A380-800 to Dubai, and at that of Dubai by that of my Boeing777-300 ER to Tokio. Heavy, powerful and stable the first; light, reliable and rapid the second. If you ask me why I choised the much more expensive and longer route: Portland (Oregon) - Frankfurt (Germany) - Munich, Dubai (Emirates) - Tokio (Japan) instead of the more cheep and rapid Portland (Oregon) - Tokio (Japan) and complete air world tour for return to Munich (Germany), I can sincerly answer you that I have not realised this second opportunity and probably the A380-800 could be missing.    

Montag, 28. August 2017

Land of thunderstorms

Dear Friends
someone told me that Oregon is an ethimological mangling having as root the French word "orage" = thunderstorm. Therefore the linguistic concept underlying Oregon is thunderstorm land. Is it a true concept ? Not enough time to verify. The forecast was correct, the Eclipse 2017 day was a clear sunny day, just swollen the eve by a giant smoke cloud coming from nearby forest fires.


Dienstag, 22. August 2017

Oregon nature

Dear Friends
if the Oregon Nature already presented suggests a peaceful land, this was not always the situation in its Geologic past. Its stress contiguity with the Pacific Plate sparked ruinous eruptions and Magma expansions which eradicated its original fauna and flora. Fortunately, we escaped these disasters. However, irony of fate, they enriched Oregon with new animal, vegetal species and an unforgettable landscape.   


Oregonians & Americans

Dear Friends
having discussed about American  Logistics  and a little about Oregon Nature, spontaneous arrived a question: who are the Americans? Difficult to answer. One definition impossible. A lot of approaches possible. Although filtered through the Oregonian atmosphere, the reply I prefer is that entrusted to the images which, in my opinion, reveals a peaceful, laborious and friendly people, passionated Beer lover. Comments are always welcomed. 