Sonntag, 26. Mai 2019

Miniaturen 3

Dear Friends
not miniaturized at all, but in any case very tiny in comparison with their larger cousins, a Molch and a Seehund, this last already met in Brest and at Deutsches Museum, together with some superbly preserved Enigma coding devices were showed themselves at the IMM in Hamburg. They suddently reminded me the sad period of the WWII, that fortunately neither I nor many of you, were not call to live.

Miniaturen 2

Dear Friends
Hamburg incorporates extensive water spaces. Nothing to do with miniature worlds, although with remarkable exceptions. After walking between canals and bridges, masked in a vigorous construction, a Miniature sea showed itself to me. Miniature ships of any kind and purpose, through a wonderful and extreme detail miniaturization (see the images), excited my brain up to exaltation, letting me admired for the perfection reached. Comments are welcomed.


Miniaturen 1

Dear Friends
excellent idea that of exploring miniature land environments. Not close to Munich, in Hamburg but not very far, only six hours away, if reached by ICEMiniatur Wunderland is a successful challenge between immagination and concrete realization (see the images). It let to the brain alone to considers the big effort for nice, small evidences. Comments are welcomed.

Sonntag, 12. Mai 2019

Sea Food - M.Polo Recipe

Dear Friends
pleasant surprise last Sathurday, at the Metro fish shop here in Munich. Among the Seafoods,
were Whelks and Scallop's walnuts (scallop's white muscles). Not the case, evidently, to remind me the benefits of eating seafood for deciding to buy a generous quantity for my dinner. The first, precooked, can be tasted with sesam bread (see in this blog: Cesar Salad) and butter or Garlic Sauce according to your preference. The second, cooked in a hot pan together with olive oil, chopped Scallions and cherry tomatoes, peppered before serving. In both case white eine according to your preference.

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2019

Memory Duty

Dear Friends
it was the memory duty that guided me on the Weingut_I site in the Mühlldorf forest.The silence inside the visitor group and around in the forest evocated eloquently by itself the hazard of living in Europe during the last WW II . Certainly because of combats and bombardments but also because the inclusion in deadly, forced works (see the images). Comments from your side are welcomed.