Sonntag, 28. Februar 2016

Concert for looking inside the Christian Reforme

Dear Friends
I accepted willingly the invitation of our Etienne to attend his duo-concert with his friend Klaus of today morning, during the holy Mass at the Jubilatekirche here in Munich. I seen it as the double possibility to listen good music and to have a look inside the Christian Religious Reforme. Etienne and Klaus surprised us by their cello and viola talent and in addition surprised me:
in the church - the absence of precious ornaments and statuary, and
in the Mass - a woman as minister and the absence of the Eucharist.
Any comment from your side is welcomed.



Munich Handwerkmesse 2016

Dear Friends
immobilized by a Taekwondo accident I have had the opportunity to appreciate the pensioner life. Good eaten, time for looking to the meteo and time for attending events. Thus, I willingly accepted the invitation of our Gianni for the International Handwerksmesse here in Munich. Garden plants and precious artifacts (see the images) characterise the IHM 2016. With respect to the past editions, IHM 2016 lose the Russian art stands and acquire the Persian art shops (see the images) present for the first time after the pparent Lousanne solution of the controversial Iranian nuclear program.
Any comment from your side is welcomed.



Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016

Ausburg Orgeln

Dear Friends
famous not only for its unusual, moving, gothic architecteure and the quality of its statuary the Augsburg Cathedral encloses as treasure two superb Organs (see the images). I am surprised to have not reach information at the place and on the web concerning their history and anatomy.If you have news, please let me know.