Samstag, 28. Juli 2018

Fire Moon / Blood Moon

Dear Friends
eclipsed Moon night yesterday in which Fire Moon, or Blood Moon if you prefer, was visible. Not Blue Moon but superbly Red, with respect to the previous Yellow Full Moon (see the delicate details on the bord). But it let me disappointed because the red made it fuzzy (see the images). My satisfaction is to have not miss the event. Comments are welcomed.

Sonntag, 22. Juli 2018


Dear Friends
why Complexity for this post ? Complexity of stories ? Complexity of shapes ? All possible, but I don't know exactly. The only suggestion I received in looking to the Arena Festival 2018 in Verona (see the images) is a tribute to the organizers and workers as masters of complexity. Comments from your side are welcomed.

Sonntag, 15. Juli 2018

Sesam Mayo

Dear Friends
the secret of the well known Mayonnaise, I discovered, resides mainly in its Oil. Varying the oil dramatically varies the Mayo flavour. To test this principle and further act as M.Polo chef (see in this blog:   Mr Chef, Mr Chef Bigoli, Lamb tajine, Pan boulgogi, Rustic saussages, Octapus in potatoes, Palm Lamb), I selelected Sesame oil, an oil probably never used in Mayo preparation. The Sesam Mayo has strong aromatic flavour and an acidic aftertaste. Comments and suggestions are welcomed.
This is the Sesam Mayo receipe:
Put, for security,  in a sink a pot provided with an hermetic cover. Add Sesam oil in a sufficient quantity and an entire Chicken Egg, i.e.Albumen and Yolk. Add the juice of a half Lime and a pinch of salt. It's all. Introduce an Immersion blender in the pot and start to mix at high speed from the pot bottom. After few seconds move the blender to the pot top. Repeat the operation several time. Taste and close the cover.
Preparation time: about 30 sec.


Wind of War

Dear Friends
it's were several weeks that regularly, in the early afternoon, I heard a rumbling in the sky without been able to identify the source. Fortunately, last weekend armed with my S9700 I identified it as a WW II Ju 52. Perfectly restored at the Flugwerft Schleißheim near the Schleißheim Palaces complex, about 13 km from Munich, lost its role of military logistic aircraft it assumed the peaceful role of entertiment device. Comments from your side are welcomed.


Samstag, 7. Juli 2018

M.Polo - posts

Dear Friends
let me introduce Ermetismo, not to be confused with Hermeticism, as an extrapolation of Hermeticism in communication. In its broad definition it refers to complex constructions of Analogies difficult to interpret. Ermeticists was a group of Italian intellectuals leaded by Ungaretti, Montale and Quasimodo. Some Ermetismo lyrics (in Italian) you can find in L'allegria. I payed no attention at all to Ermetismo, but I realise now that it deeply impregnates the M.Polo posts (and I don't know why) which, in my intention, through essential words and images evocate concepts asleep in us. Comments from your side are welcomed.