Sonntag, 4. November 2012

San Zeno Maggiore (Verona - IT) - exterior

Dear Friends
I am back from Verona where I visited the Middle Age religious center of San Zeno Maggiore. As can be seen from the images, the center is formed by the Basilica, probably the best example of the Romanesque religious architectural style in Italy, the bell tower and the Abbey. Of the Abbey today remains the tower in bricks with the rests of the balcon of the emperors, in which several German emperors of the Holy Roman Empire lodged during their wars in Italy against the free Italian towns ("Comuni") and the frescoed cloister resembling the cloister of the Abbey of Daoulas (Brittany - FR). Interesting the insertions in an external wall of the bell tower of a bas-relief of the pagan god Pan and of a sculpted Roman head. This time of particular interest was the presentation of the graffiti of the Universal Judgement found in the Basilica during restauration works and probably representing a work of wall preparation for a fresco never painted. Here are some images of the exterior of the religious center of San Zeno Maggiore and said graffiti. Any comment from your side is welcomed.

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