Montag, 10. November 2014


Dear Friends
for me it is a bit sad to say, but I am happy for our Jean-Luc, our M.Polo Vice-President and at the same time President of the EPO Astro Club and the EurAstro Association
(, for his next well-earned departure in retirement, anticipated by his farewell party (see images). I was lucky in meeting Jean-Luc at the beginning of my carreer at the EPO here in Munich in the elder 1990. Together, I lived many exciting  EurAstro / M.Polo missions bringing me to the discovery of realities and lands all over the world (one for all, see in this blog the Finland mission: ) .
I am happy also to announce that Jean-Luc will remain member of our M.Polo Club and will continue to contribute us with his ideas and suggestions to be developed. It is just of yesterday his proposal of visiting the Spitzebergen Island
( ) at the end of this year for observing again Polar lights ( ).
Dear Jean-Luc enjoy the free time of life that opens in front of you.


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