Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

From Saint Petersburg to Moskow

Dear Friends
the M.Polo - EurAstro joint lecture of yesterday 21/12/2011 was well attended and successful. I have to thank Jean-Luc for his images and presentation about Saint Petersburg and the public for the attention and the pertinent questions, especially the part of the public which remained up to the end of my presentation about Moscow. The lecture lasted about two hours. Many themes and images concerning the towns and the Russian life where proposed to the public during the lecture, in particular:
- practical information about the visit of the towns and their monuments;
- main museums, churches and monasteries - art of icons;
- role of European architects, especially Italians, in the construction of St. Petersburg and Moscow;
- role of the religion in the actual Russian life.
The attached images, presented at the lecture, give you an idea of the Russia of today.
I take the occasion of this report to whish to you and your families
Merry Christmas and Happy 2012

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