Freitag, 20. April 2012

Die Weltenältesten - vom ABC bis zur Apokalypse

Dear Friends
yesterday I was at the Bayerisches Staatlische Bibliothek for giving back a book, when I was surprised to see strange "sculptures" in the entrance hall and along the stairway. Two boards atop of the stairway advertised the exhibitions: Die Weltenältesten
and vom ABC bis zur Apokalypse:
Concerning the first one, I have to say that the meaning of the exhibition, or the message that it tries to communicate is quite obscure. Probably, it methaphorically refers to the transformation of inhanimated matter into living, acrobatic creatures. By means of the following images, you can form your personal opinion.
Concerning the second one, unfortunately, I cannot supply you images because take images was not allowed. However, the information and the images of the books, expecially the Calendar of Regiomontanus, the Chiromantie, the Mirabilia Romae and the Antichrist, are sufficiently complete for giving you an idea of the fascinating content of the exhibition. My only question is: why don't allow to take images if a lot of them, also of very high quality and in 3D, are already in internet ?
Any comment from your side is welcomed.


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