Donnerstag, 25. September 2014

221 DSX - day time meteor shower

Dear Friends
obviously I cannot on this blog report you all the interventions, suggestions and information produced at the IMC 2014 in Giron (FR) ( , ). Among all, I was particularly interested to the
Daytime Meteor Showers by Jurgen Rendel. Daytime meteor showers occupies a space apart from the common meteor showers (, in fact their radians, close to the position of the Sun, causes them to be generated mainly during the day, so as to make themselves difficult to be visually and optically characterised. Radio observations, not sensitive to the daytime light, are thus well indicated for their characterisation. The EurAstro Radio Station (EARS) in Munich, operated by myself, will be activated in the period 01-05 October 2014 for radio characterising 221 DSX (Sextantids). I hope that others among you (Alexei ?) will join me and EARS for radio characterising 221 DSX.

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