Samstag, 12. September 2015

China, China and again China !

Dear Friends
up to about August of this year 2014, I had no intention or program to visit China . But because my son has to study for a semester in a Chinese university, I realised the necessity of leading him to China before the start of the semester for allowing him, as well as me too, to become acquainted with this Far East country. Organising a travel to China is easy, it is sufficient to enter a travel office, but normally you are aggregated to a group and the travel does not always fit with your desired period. Therefore, better is to enter an agency for personalized travels - for ex. Asien Special Tours in Munich  . China is a planet of which many misconceptions and myths should be abandoned:
- the development of China involved not only the mayor towns but involves all the country;
- misery abandoned the countrysides;
- working hard is possible in a reasonable time to buy a private apartment and a car;
- the skies of the mayor towns are not always gray by smog;
- normally the English translation follows the Chinese indications, although few Chineses appear to speak good English;
- the Chineses do not spit much more than the Europeans;
- living in China is not much more dangerous than living in Europe. 
If you you are skeptics or don't belive to this I invite you to undertake your personalised China trip.
P.S.: MPolo posts on China will be presented not in chronological order but in the order of their importance at least for me. 


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