Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015

Migrations and Migrants

Dear Friends
because of the news emanating from radio and television, we all are aware in the present days of the migrations through Europe. The main migration arrives from Syria and Afghanistan by crossing Turkey and Greece. The other comes from North and Central Africa by crossing, often in desesperate circumstances - see in this blog  http://m-polo.blogspot.de/2015/10/press-photo-15.html - last image, the Mediterranean Sea and Italy. Both the flows of migrants are directed mainly towards Germany. If the first flow escapes civil wars and religious persecutions, the second escapes poverty and misery. A vision of this second flow I had last weekend, when a group of migrants on my train from Verona was sent down in Rosenheim (DE) - see the images - by the German police for control and identification. Many of them, crossing the train, asked the passengers "are we in Germany ?" with evident satisfaction for the positive replies. Any comment from your side is welcomed.


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