Dienstag, 6. Mai 2014

Miracle in less than an hour

Dear Friends
my sceptical idea about miracles was that in the worst situations they are something completely invented, in the better situations they are coincidences of different facts. But in my case, I was shocked, last Saturday when my son announced me his intention to leave, after about 10 successful examinations the ICN (http://www.icn-groupe.fr/fr), a well reputed school for business, for starting a new study in the field of media sciences. All my arguments for convincing him to change his mind have been in vane. At evening, depressed, I went to church (http://www.mariahilf-muenchen.de/ ) with in mind the words of Luke "ask and you shall receive" (Lc 11, 1-13) and John "if you ask anything to my Father in my name, He wil give" (Gv 16:16). After the holy service and a deep pray asking for changment, I came back home. My son announced me that after a search in internet he found that many media science schools have bad evaluations, and the best have many candidates for few places and ask for candidates experienced in the field. Consequently, he decided, for the moment, to remain to study o the ICN. Miracle ? I think so. Coincidence ? it could be ?
Please, let me know your opinion.

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