Samstag, 27. Dezember 2014

2014 ==> 1914

Dear Friends
I think that in these days of reconciliation and peace that close this year 2014, a though must go to all those who were torn to their peaceful occupations and to their families and thrown on the battlefields of the WW I in the far 1914. A way to remind their suffering and their sacrifice is to consider the relics arrived to us of that time. The following images coming from the Deutsches Museum Flugwerft in Schleißheim:
and from the Deutsches Museum in Munich:  show you, whithout I think necessity of long exegesies, some instruments coming from innovation and bearers of death ready for use at that time. Any comment from your side is welcomed.
Happy 2015 to your all

1 Kommentar:

  1. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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