Dienstag, 19. Mai 2015

Duck at home

Dear Friends
everybody know that a lot of animals live in our towns. Normally, it is difficult to have a close look to them and their life style, especially at the time of birth. Therefore, I was astonished when today morning our Gianni announced me that one of them has erected his home http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_nest at our work place. She is a mother duck http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck with eight young ducklings under her wings. Not particularly afraid by our presence, she let me take images of her and one of her duckling. Let me wish, dear friends, to these new guests a happy staying with us.

- Thank you very much Alexei for your link. I think that you are right. She can be well a female Mallard duck (Anas Platirinchos):

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